Title: Attraction Author: simply_aly Fandom: The Vampire Diaries Pairing/Characters: Damon/Elena Rating: PG Word Count: 100 Summary: Emotions are dangerous with Damon Salvatore A/N: Takes place early Season 1.
Title: The Moments to Forever Author: simply_aly Fandom: Heroes Pairing: Sylar/Claire Rating: PG Word Count: 773 Summary: He finds her on the roof Previous Chapters: 123
Title: The Moments to Forever Author: simply_aly Fandom: Heroes Pairing: Sylar/Claire Rating: PG Word Count: 552 Summary: He finds her on the roof Previous Chapters: 12
Title: The Moments to Forever Author: simply_aly Fandom: Heroes Pairing/Characters: Sylar/Claire Rating: PG Word Count: 637 Summary: He finds her on the roof. Previous Chapters: 1
Title: The Moments to Forever Author: simply_aly Fandom: Heroes Pairing/Characters: Sylar/Claire Rating: PG Word Count: 575 Warning: concept of suicide Summary: He finds her on the roof. Author's Notes: Written for the DarkShip prompt second choice.